Mounting your car tyres by our experts
When the wear of a tyre is too significant, you have to mount a new tyre and get rid of the old one. It is recommended to have your tyres mounted by a professional because he will work with specific machines and tools, and will fit tyres on the same axis.
It is better to fit the new tyres at the rear because they wear out more quickly. Indeed, the rear tyres maintain the trajectory of the vehicle.
For mounting your tyres, our Point S experts will:
Check the consistency between the dimensions of the wheel and the tyre to be mounted (width and diameter)
Lubricate the wheels
Make the inflation so the wheels are properly applied against the edges of the rim
Set the pressure determined by the vehicle manufacturer and the tyre manufacturer.
And because car tyre services are our job, we have developed car tyres exclusively available in Point S shops for summer, winter, and all seasons. Find out more on Point S tyres.
Balancing and alignment of your car tyres
Balancing tyres consists in distributing the weight of the wheel in a precise and uniform way. It is to place counterweights on the rims while alignment enables to position the wheels parallel to each other and in the axis of the road.
Read more on tyre balancing and tyre alignment services provided by our experts.
Car tyre pump and pressure
Properly inflated, tyres can save up to 20% of fuel. This basic operation should be done more often by car drivers. At Point S, we offer you to check your tyres' pressure and to inflate them if needed.
Car tyre maintenance and repair
Have you punctured your car tyre?
At Point S, we inspect your flat tyre and fix it if possible. Indeed, depending on the type of puncture, we propose to fix your car tyre which is a more economical solution. We will disassemble the tyre from your care to inspect the condition of the puncture.
For instance, it will not be possible to fix your flat tyre if the perforation is exceeding 6 mm or ¼ inch, if the internal structure of your tyre has been damaged after a long driving distance, or if your car has remained parked for a long time. Moreover, the hole must be located on the thread and not on the side or on the rounded corner of the tyre (called shoulder).